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Neutering campaigns

Neutering campaigns

Slowing down the animal misery: SUST is tackling it sustainably

Hundreds of thousands of street dogs and cats fight for survival in many countries, countless of them are trapped and many of them vegetate in terrible conditions, while new unwanted offspring are constantly being born. The suffering of unwelcome dogs and cats is endless in many countries.
Neutering is the only way to reduce the overpopulation of street animals in a long-term and animal-friendly way. Thousands of dogs, cats and other animals have already been operated on by the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation in various countries. This measure has prevented countless unwanted offspring from being born. Such actions have a future: no more emaciated mothers on the streets, no more famine and no more sexually transmitted diseases, in which the animals die miserably.
If the number of street animals is reduced, no more cruelty to animals will be tackled: no more poisoning, no more slaughtered animals, no more shooting. In this way the animal misery is slowed down, slowly but steadily and sustainably.
The area of the pillar "neutering campaigns" includes:
- Collaboration with veterinarians all over Switzerland for cat neutering campaigns
- takeover of the neutering costs of stocks from farms and feral groups
- Rental of cat and dog traps
- Brochure "Cat neutering = active animal protection
- informing the population about this topic by posters and leaflets
- Discussions with authorities and politicians
- Training and further training of specialized personnel for the execution of neutering campaigns
- Implementation of neutering weeks in various countries by SUST teams
- Financing of neutering campaigns in different countries
The activities of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation are financed exclusively by donations and legacies (no public support).
Donate for the spay/neuter campaigns of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation
These many operations are very effective, but cost a lot of money and therefore we need your help and support: Give hope and instead of the usual gifts, give one (or more) animal (s) the hope for a better life! A neutering gives an animal many advantages and does no longer contribute to the overpopulation of unwanted animals.
Here you can find more information about how you can donate:
To find out even more about the spay and neutering programmes of SUST please visit the german version of the website by using a translator extention of your browser.




Swiss Butterflies...

March 2023

Did you know, for example, that fennel, carrots and dill attract the magnificent swallowtail to your garden? That is what is on the main menu of the strictly vegetarian caterpillar. That's why the butterfly, which reaches a wingspan of about 8cm, lays its eggs there individually, so that the caterpillar then has the whole plant to itself.
There are so many exciting facts about the colorful flutterers...
With more than 180,000 described species in 127 families and 46 superfamilies, they are the second most numerous insect order after beetles.
Every year, about 700 species are newly discovered. Summer birds and moths are distributed on all continents except Antarctica. In Central Europe they are represented by about 4000 species.
You can find much exciting information about Swiss butterflies here:
For more on proper gardening for biodiversity and butterfly lovers, click here:
and here:
  • Switzerland
5 Pillars:
  • Information to the public
Swiss Butterflies...
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