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Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz
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8483 Kollbrunn

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670 laying hens looking for a home

Around three million young laying hens are discarded in Switzerland every year because they no longer lay enough eggs. Such animals find new places through the laying hen campaigns of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation (SUST). The next one will take place on Saturday, July 17, 2021 in Watt b. Regensdorf.

The life of a laying hen is short and intense: after ten to twelve months, she is no longer in demand as an egg supplier. The hens then enter what is known as molting: a hormonally induced rest period during which the laying apparatus of the animals regenerates and the feathers are renewed. During the moult, the hens lay fewer eggs - with the result that the hens are no longer economically viable and become disposable. So healthy young hens are killed and replaced by new, more productive ones.

The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation (SUST) takes care of such hens: With its regular laying hen campaigns, it helps to ensure that as many laying hens as possible are allowed to live a longer life. The next campaign will take place on July 17, 2021 in Watt b. Regensdorf. There, around 670 brown and white laying hens are waiting for animal-loving people who can offer them a new, species-appropriate home. By the way, these laying hens still live up to their name. They still lay eggs, just not as many as in their "peak times".

Interested parties have to prove in a form that the animals will get a good living place.

In addition, a team from the SUST is available to contact the new owners before and after the admission, answer any questions and in some cases also visit them.

Feel free to email questions to

Number of words 238, number of characters (incl. spaces) 1‘342
Image: "Susy Utzinger mit geretteter Legehenne"

Anmeldung Medienverteiler

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