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Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz
Weisslingerstrasse 1
8483 Kollbrunn

Tel. 052 550 52 16
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When animal love ends fatally

Taking home the cuddly street cat, the playful puppy dog from the beach is not a good idea. Buying animals on the Internet can be just as problematic. Often such false love of animals has tragic consequences. The new campaign of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation (SUST) draws attention to this.

It's just too cute, the kitten that waits in front of the hotel complex every morning, begging you! And the dog at the pet market, which looks at you with its trusting eyes from a small box, definitely deserves a better life! Sad stories and cheap offers from the Internet also tempt you to buy quickly.

Animal lovers understandably find it difficult to listen to their mind and not their heart in such situations, to resist the urge to take the dog or cat home or to order it via the Internet. The import of animals into Switzerland is subject to strict regulations, which depend on the country of origin and for the fulfillment of which two weeks of vacation are not enough. Even internet animal traders often hardly care about these regulations. Whoever disregards these regulations and nevertheless brings a dog or a cat across the border or has it brought, must reckon with the fact that the beloved friend will be confiscated already at customs or at the latest at the first visit to the vet.

A month-long quarantine or repatriation to the country of origin at the expense of the animal owner, his reprimand and a hefty fine are among the usual consequences of the illegal import of an animal. There is also acute danger to the life of the animal souvenir: in particular, missing or invalid rabies vaccinations lead to the euthanasia of many of these "vacation souvenirs" and "Internet bargains". 

SUST counters this fact with the campaign "Don't play with my life". With posters and flyers given to animal shelters, travel agencies and airlines, customs authorities and private animal lovers, it raises awareness among the population about the problem of illegal animal imports and their sad consequences.

Number of words: 292, Number of characters (incl. spaces): 1'709
Image: "Hund auf Koffer"

Media contact:

Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz
Weisslingerstrasse 1
8483 Kollbrunn
Tel. 052 / 202 69 69


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