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SUST-TierwaisenHospitäler (SUST-Orphan Animal Hospitals OAH)

Seit ihrer Eröffnung werden täglich verunfallte und kranke Tiere in die SUST-Tierwaisenhospitäler eingeliefert, wo sie fachmännisch versorgt und gepflegt werden. Sind die Tiere nach ihrer Genesung gesund und stark genug, um sich auf der Strasse behaupten zu können, werden sie wieder in ihr Revier entlassen. Besondere Sorgenkinder werden nach Möglichkeit in Tierheimen untergebracht. Erfreulicherweise können auch laufend neue Lebensplätze für Patienten gefunden werden.
Die Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz finanziert die Tierarztkosten, Klinik-Einrichtung, Medikamente, Operationen, Therapien, Futter und Pflege in den Tierwaisenhospitälern. Oftmals finanziert die SUST auch den Bau der entsprechenden Klinik.
Die Aktivitäten der Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz werden ausschliesslich durch Spenden und Legate finanziert (keine Unterstützung durch die öffentliche Hand).

Neuste Aktivitäten


Daily cases at SUST OAH Bucharest - perianal hernia

October 2018

Teddy was found wondering the streets, a small dog with a huge perianal hernia; at first, everyone thought it was a tumor and we also thought Teddy was a younger dog, but, as it turns out, Teddy is an old man, most likely kicked out of his home because his owners didn't want to deal with his medical problem. He was rescued by a lady who asked for our help and we immediately stepped in. We decided to give Teddy a few days to rest and better assess the status of his health. Teddy charmed all of us with his loving nature, he is a sweet old man who adores to be surrounded by people, despite being so grossly betrayed by his humans.

A few minutes after the surgery started, the medical team could really assess the seriousness of Teddy's hernia: his smaller intestine and his bladder moved from their normal position into the bag of skin that was hanging next to his anus; it became clear to us that this medical issue had been ignored for quite some time and that Teddy's life was in danger had he not been brought to us. Our doctors did everything they could to make sure that the hernia won't reopen; during the surgery that lasted for  one hour and a half Teddy's vitals were closely monitored, as he is an old boy and we feared for his life. Teddy was also neutered and had his teeth cleaned.

Two days afyer the surgery, old Teddy is coming along fine, eating and helping us comfort the scared doggies that wake up from anesthesia after being spayed and neutered. We are confident that he will have a few more happy and healthy years next to a loving family and all this is possible thanks to your care and generousity.

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Thank you!

Daily cases at SUST OAH Bucharest - perianal hernia
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