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Kontakt für Medien und Bildmaterial
Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz
Weisslingerstrasse 1
8483 Kollbrunn

Tel. 052 550 52 16
Fax 052 203 26 80

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SUST Academy - Animal welfare through knowledge

Tackle the animal welfare problem with your own expertise and thereby help to reduce animal suffering in the long term.

Learn the elementary principles for the handling and care of animals and learn many other interesting animal facts at the webinars of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation (SUST) (in German only!)

Learn the elementary principles for the handling and care of animals and learn many other interesting animal facts at the webinars of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation (SUST).

The SUST Academy has also put together a varied offering for animal lovers for the first half of 2021. The series starts in January right away with two dog topics; "Expressive Behavior Dog" on Saturday, January 23 and "Anti-hunting Training" on Sunday, January 24 (both 09.00h - 12.00h).

The courses will be led by renowned experts who will bring the participants up to date with the latest scientific findings. In this way, what the SUST has set itself as a goal for its animal protection work is achieved: The problem is tackled at its root.

Due to the current situation, the courses will continue to be held as online courses at extremely reasonable prices. Registrations for all courses are now open. Here is the link to the webinars:

After the course, all participants will receive a course confirmation from the SUST.

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Caption: The dates for the SUST webinars 2021

Media contact:

Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz
Weisslingerstrasse 1
8483 Kollbrunn
Phone 052 / 202 69 69


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