Help animals

Animal Shelter Support

How shelter animals are helped

During the time animals have to spend in an animal shelter, they are entitled to appropriate accommodation (if possible), veterinary care and professional care. Simple wishes, the fulfilment of which is often complex and expensive.
The reorganization work of the SUST supports many different animal shelters and animal welfare projects at home and abroad and contributes to the fulfilment of these factors. In this way, serious and independent animal welfare organisations can grow out of needy associations, which in the future can help countless animals to a species-appropriate accommodation and a new, good home. In order to optimize an animal shelter and to bring it on the way of the professional animal assistance, usually years of cooperation and company are necessary.
This support can have many different faces: sometimes the experts of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation organise a complete rebuilding of an animal shelter, they provide first aid for animals, train experts and carry out castration and aid campaigns.

In dialogue with the animal welfare activists concerned, the restructuring of animal shelters, advice on setting up and managing animal welfare projects and the further training of experts are addressed.
The area of the pillar "shelter support" includes
- Carrying out of work days in Swiss animal shelters
- Implementation of weeks in foreign animal shelters
- structural change/supplementation of animal shelter facilities
- Reorganization of animal shelter processes
- Coordination and financing of craftsmen's and construction work
- Supply of animal feed
- Delivery of animal shelter equipment (each year 80 - 100 tons of animal utensils leave the SUST warehouse)
- Supply of building materials
- Financing of feed and other material
- Provision of emergency and direct help
- Management of the SUST-material collection action
In many cases, SUST provides direct aid without any third party ever knowing about it. Emergency scenarios and plans are set up in no time at all, experts are dispatched and assistance operations are carried out - in emergencies, the organisation provides fast, unbureaucratic and discreet help. When shelters need help, the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation is there for them.
The activities of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation are financed exclusively by donations and legacies (no public support).
With your donation you help to help shelter animals!

If you would like to find out more about the other Projects of SUST-Animal Shelter Support, such as:

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Startpatenschaft übernommen von Lea Deck-Joder

Herzlichen Dank für die tolle Unterstützung!

Imer hatte es bisher nicht leicht im Leben und braucht dringend einen Neustart! Deshalb suchen wir einen Startpaten / eine Startpatin, der/die die Kosten für alle Standardvorkehrungen übernimmt, die getroffen werden müssen, bevor ein neuer Patient nach seiner Genesung vom SUST-Tierwaisenhospital in den SUST-Tierheimneubau Help Labus (Galati, RO) übersiedeln darf.

Der Preis für eine Startpatenschaft für Imer beträgt Fr. 75.—

Darin enthalten sind

- Erstuntersuch durch Tierarzt
- Mikro-Chip und Gesundheitsbüchlein
- Parasitenbehandlung (innere und äussere)
- Grundimmunisierung (Kombi-Impfung KSS)
- Tollwutimpfung
- Test auf FIV und FeLV (Viruserkrankungen)

Ausserdem ein kleiner Zustupf an die Futterkosten in der ersten Zeit. Die Kosten für die Kastration übernimmt das Tierwaisenhospital.

Imers Geschichte: Imer wurde uns von der Tochter einer älteren Frau mit Alzheimer gebracht, welche sehr an der hübschen Katze hing. Imer sollte im SUST-Tierwaisenhospital kastriert und danach wieder abgeholt werden. Leider kam die Frau nie wieder und war auch telefonisch nicht mehr zu erreichen. Also muss Imer im Tierheim bleiben. Sie wurde uns von der Tochter als äusserst aggressiv beschrieben. Uns gegenüber zeigt sie sich jedoch als sehr zugänglich und lieb.

  • Romania
5 Pillars:
  • Animal Shelter Support
Startpatenschaft übernommen von Lea Deck-Joder
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