Help animals

Spay / neuter campaigns Switzerland

neutering feral cats -
no more killing of unwanted kittens

In many Swiss regions live feral cats, which belong to nobody and give birth twice a year. Normally these kittens become feral and nobody cares about them - in the end such cat colonies are killed with often cruel methods.
It is therefore not enough simply to feed such cat colonies or individual feral cats - real animal welfare is to catch feral cats, have them neutered and then (if possible) release them back into their familiar environment (and continue to care for them).

The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation supports active animal lovers who want to castrate homeless cats.

Our work of the pillar "Spay / neuter campaigns Switzerland" contains:
- Cooperation with veterinarians throughout Switzerland for cat neutering campaigns
- Assumption of neutering costs for farm colonies and feral groups
- Rental of cat and dog traps
- Brochure "Cat castrations = active animal protection"
- Educating the population about this topic through posters and flyers
- Feed donations for feral colonies and farms



Crowdfunding for cat neutering campaigns

July 2023

2 + 2 = 24

Cats are generally bad at math... so maybe they multiply amazingly fast.
The four beauties in the picture, all freshly born, enjoyed a maths tutoring lesson thanks to your support in our neutering project in Moreni (RO).
What sounds "funny" is a big problem. As you can see in the graphic, a small cat population can "explode" within a very short time.
Your help is therefore urgently needed. Please support our neutering campaigns.
The most direct way is through our crowdfunding:

We could save far more cat lives thanks to our top trained professionals at our neuter campaigns, but we don't have the money.
Please help us! So that "maths" can be fun for once.
Crowdfunding for cat neutering campaigns
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