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Spay/neuter campaigns abroad

Slowing down the animal misery: The SUST tackles it sustainably

Hundreds of thousands of street dogs and cats fight for survival in many countries, countless of them are captured and many of them vegetate under terrible conditions, while new unwanted kittens are born all the time. The suffering of unwanted dogs and cats is infinite in many countries.

Castrations are the only way to reduce the overpopulation of street animals in a long-term and animal-friendly way. Thousands of dogs, cats and other animals have already been successfully operated in various countries by the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation. As a result of this measure, countless unwanted animals were not even born in the first place. Such actions have a future: No more emaciated animal mothers on the streets, no more famine and no more sexually transmitted diseases, where the animals perish miserably.

If the number of street animals is reduced, the unwanted, "disturbing" animals will no longer be tortured: No more poisoning actions, no more animals beaten to death, no more shooting actions. In this way the animal misery is slowed down, slowly but steadily and sustainably.



A heartwarming story....

January 2023

Cab ambitions 

A heartwarming story from our OAH in Moreni, Romania.

Dorina, a lady from a small town nearby, has already brought all her animals to the SUST-OAH for free neutering. She also takes care of many strays in her area. Since she experiences first hand that they constantly produce more unwanted kittens and puppies, which then usually die in agony, she started to systematically bring these strays to us.

She became our regular customer and over the years she has really "professionalized" the transport. She bought her own transport boxes and takes care of the animals after the neuterings (warms them with her own clothes). Today she brought 4 cats and 3 dogs.

We like people like Dorina very much and consider her very valuable, also for the educational work here in the region! Thanks to your donations, together with responsible people like Dorina, we can stop a lot of animal suffering and make an even bigger difference in the public's perception! 

Thank you for your continued support of the SUST neutering campaigns:


A heartwarming story....
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