
Help animals

The activities of SUST

All over the world, countless animals in overcrowded shelters live sadly or struggle for their survival in wild colonies. Day after day, even today, animals that have become inconvenient are still abandoned, deported or mistakenly kept for lack of better knowledge. The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation contributes with effective means to the fact that animal suffering can be reduced or even prevented sustainably.

This animal welfare work is based on four pillars:

1. Competence Centre Animal Shelter: Animal shelters become high-quality transition stations for homeless animals, where animals are kept and promoted in a way that is appropriate for their species and finally transferred to good new places.

2. Neutering campaigns: Braking the animal misery

3. Education and training of specialists: Specialists are given the opportunity to optimise their knowledge and improve animal welfare.

4. Education of the population: love of animals with heart and mind

These four elements form the important basis for sustainable animal welfare projects.

Those animals that are not yet able to benefit from the effects of this reconstruction work and have been born into a world where they are not wanted need the emergency aid of SUST.

Emergency aid as a basis for sustainable animal welfare projects: saving lives of animals




A tiny boy is given a second chance at SUST OAH Bucharest

October 2018

By the look in his eyes, one can easily understand that this boy's short experience in the world of humans was a painful one; he is obviously scared and doesn't trust humans, after God knows how many days wondering the streets, all alone, hungry and exhausted, unsafe, probably crying in despair, with no response. It is always painful for us to see such young animals who have already learnt that humans are at best indifferent to their suffering. This tiny dog is one of the thousands of examples of what our indolence is causing: innocent victims who lead a life of slow degradation, weakend by hunger, external and internal parasites which robbs their bodies of the few nutrients they do manage to absorb from the little and poor food they can get occasionally, left at the mercy of the elements with no water during the extreme heat and no shelter during the winter months. Fertile dogs will perpetuate this chain of victims endlesly, until the people are so sick of the result of their own indifference, they decide to inforce a mass killing policy, which leads nowhere; in a few months, puppies such our little survivor here, will be dumped in the street by people who can't be troubled to spay/neuter their pets and the process will start all over again.

Our team offered immediate help to this dog and his new owner. He was given treatment against the intestinal worms and was helped to get rid of all the nasty ticks and fleas. His future seems bright, as the owner promised to come back for free vaccination and neuter, to make sure his new best friend will have a happy and healthy life from now on. We are pleased to be able to help yet another animal in need and we are grateful for your ongoing support for our cause.

If you wish to help us carry on our mission, you can donate here: https://www.susyutzinger.ch/en/Donate

Thank you!

A tiny boy is given a second chance at SUST OAH Bucharest
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