
Help animals

The activities of SUST

All over the world, countless animals in overcrowded shelters live sadly or struggle for their survival in wild colonies. Day after day, even today, animals that have become inconvenient are still abandoned, deported or mistakenly kept for lack of better knowledge. The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation contributes with effective means to the fact that animal suffering can be reduced or even prevented sustainably.

This animal welfare work is based on four pillars:

1. Competence Centre Animal Shelter: Animal shelters become high-quality transition stations for homeless animals, where animals are kept and promoted in a way that is appropriate for their species and finally transferred to good new places.

2. Neutering campaigns: Braking the animal misery

3. Education and training of specialists: Specialists are given the opportunity to optimise their knowledge and improve animal welfare.

4. Education of the population: love of animals with heart and mind

These four elements form the important basis for sustainable animal welfare projects.

Those animals that are not yet able to benefit from the effects of this reconstruction work and have been born into a world where they are not wanted need the emergency aid of SUST.

Emergency aid as a basis for sustainable animal welfare projects: saving lives of animals




Arbeitswochenende bei Association l'Eden Valley ô Secours des Nordiques

August 2016

Es wird das Dach der Hundeboxen fertig gedeckt, der Zaun für die Ausläufe montiert, die Gitterboxen geschliffen und neu bemalt und bei der Behandlung der Hunde geholfen. Selbstverständlich dürfen bei dem heissen Wetter auch Pausen nicht fehlen. Nachdem das Dach und der Zaun fertiggestellt wurden, widmeten wir uns zum Schluss dem Aufbau von Hundehütten, dem Schleifen und neu Bemalen der Boxengitter und der Hundepflege. Ein weiteres arbeitsreiches Wochenende ist zu Ende; wieder konnten wir viel erreichen um den Hunden das Leben im Tierheim zu erleichtern. Vielen Dank unseren Spendern, die all dies erst ermöglichen!

  • France
5 Pillars:
  • Animal Shelter Support
Arbeitswochenende bei Association l'Eden Valley ô Secours des Nordiques
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