Help animals

Donations of materials

Animal shelters and animal protection projects in Switzerland advertise their need for materials and feed in the online animal protection marketplace.

At, you can quickly and easily see which animal shelters need what help, and get in direct contact with the shelters concerned.
Day after day, animals find themselves in distress - caused by man, both abroad and in Switzerland. The Susy Utzinger Foundation for Animal Welfare has been working tirelessly for many years to bring lasting relief to animal suffering. Recycling the utensils used by animals is an important part of this. Sleeping and transport baskets, bowls, rags, blankets, linen, halters, as well as food and many other items: many materials that Swiss pet owners no longer need can still be of invaluable service in animal shelters and on shelter premises.

Do you have pet utensils you'd like to pass on? In the SUST online marketplace for animal welfare, you can see directly which projects need your equipment.

We kindly als you to place your bids on the German version of the marketplace, using a browser extension to change the language.

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