Help animals

Emergency aid

How animal lifes are saved

Those animals that are not yet able to benefit from the effects of the sustainable SUST development work and have been born into a world where they are not wanted need immediate help.

SUST offers immediate assistance through:

Emergency aid

SUST Emergency help is done by

  • Animal rescue operations
  • Social work in Switzerland
  • Financing of all livestock rescue services of the Swiss Large Animal Rescue Service
  • Laying hens actions (switching of "out-of-date" laying hens)
  • Organisation, implementation and/or financing of emergency plans and operations
  • Work horse treatments
  • First aid and veterinary interventions

and through the

SUST Orphan Animal Hospitals (SUST)

In many countries countless abandoned animals live on the streets. Many of these dogs and cats have been abandoned or have already been born as strays. Life on the street is dangerous and full of privation. Injured and sick animals usually have no chance of surviving and die mostly painfully and alone on the street. In such cases, there is often not a lack of willingness to help animal-loving people, but a lack of financial means to have street animals treated by a veterinarian.
To help these animals in need, the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation set up the SUST Orphan Animal Hospitals.
There are currently one of these institutions in

Ever since its opening, animals that have been injured or ill are admitted daily to the SUST Orphan Animal Hospitals, where they are cared for and treated professionally. If the animals are healthy and strong enough to survive on the streets after their recovery, they will be released back to their territory. Special patients with special needs will be accommodated in animal shelters if possible. Fortunately, it is also possible to find new life places for patients on an ongoing basis.
The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation finances the veterinary costs, clinic equipment, medicines, operations, therapies, food and care in the animal orphan hospitals. Often, SUST also finances the construction of the corresponding clinic.
The activities of the Susy Utzinger Foundation for Animal Welfare are financed exclusively by donations and legacies (no public support).

If you would like to find out more about the other SUST-emergency aid projects, such as:

  • Social work for Animals
  • Näpflein füll' Dich
  • Livestock rescue
  • Laying hens
  • Amphibians
  • Emergency actions
  • Rabies control
  • Feeding points for street dogs
  • Emergency food aid from SUST
  • SaveMyLive
  • Help for Ukrainian refugees and their pets

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SUST-Tierwaisen Hospital Hurghada

Dem Tod von der Schippe direkt in ein liebevolles Zuhause gesprungen

Die kleine Sia (links heute und rechts am Tag ihrer Rettung) hat in ihrem kurzen Leben schon Grauenvolles erlebt. Auf der Suche nach einem warmen Schlafplätzli hat sie den fatalen Fehler gemacht, sich in den Motorraum eines Autos zu verkriechen. Zuerst blieb sie dort unbemerkt. Erst als der Autobesitzer seine Fahrt fortsetzte, hörte er plötzlich ein Jammern und Schreien. Als er nachschaute, war es schon zu spät: Sias linkes Hinterbein war bereits komplet zerstört. Das ganze bot ein schreckliches Bild. Im SUST-Tierwaisen Hospital musste ihr das Beinchen amputiert werden. Trotz ihrem traumatischen Erlebnis hat sie sich zu einer fröhlichen und anhänglichen Mieze entwickelt, die sich im Nu in die Herzen des ganzen Klinikpersonals und auch das einer Adoptantin geschlichen hat. Das nennt man dann wohl Glück im Unglück!

Die SUST-Tierwaisenhospitäler retten jährlich x-tausend Strassentieren das Leben. Die Tierärzte, das medizinische Verbrauchsmaterial und die Hospitalisierung werden durch die SUST finanziert. Dies ist nur möglich dank Ihren Spenden. Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Untersützung.

  • Egypt
5 Pillars:
  • Emergency Aid
SUST-Tierwaisen Hospital Hurghada
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